Technology is great, and has a wide spectrum of immense benefits, uses, and applications. That is, after all, why companies are so dependent on it that issues such as cyber attack are worthy of concern.

For all the many benefits of technology for a business, however — whether in the form of automation services offer by a company such as, or simply the standard office network — there are times when it can be beneficial to use a good old-fashioned pen and paper instead of the most high-tech computer system on the market.

If your company has been subject to a series of devastating cyber attacks in recent times, for example, it can be prudent to keep important notes in hard copy until the issue is resolved.

Here are some benefits to using a pen and paper in your business.

A paper notebook can’t be hacked

Perhaps the first and most obvious benefit to using a paper notebook and pen, is that it’s simply not possible to hack a stack of bound paper sheets.

The benefits of this are clear; you can brainstorm and list out the most intimate and serious company details, and the risk of it being stolen or tampered with via the web is zero (unless, of course, you scan and upload it to the server).

Of course, while a traditional notebook can’t be hacked, it can be stolen — and unlike a computer, you won’t be able to reliably password protect it to keep intruders away.

For this reason, this benefit is a bit of a trade-off, but certainly still worth keeping in mind.

“Analog” resources can be used just about anywhere at any time

If you’re out on a camping weekend, find yourself on a cross-continental journey without reliable access to a charger, or are even just visiting your local coffee shop and don’t feel like committing to taking your laptop or tablet with you — you might find yourself having a very hard time recording and organising your thoughts if an important bit of inspiration strikes.

Well, if you’re relying on digital devices, you might have a very hard time, anyway.

“Analog” devices, such as Filofaxes, notepads and books, can be used pretty much anywhere at any time. Keeping the devices charged isn’t an issue, keeping them out of direct sunlight in order to read their displays is rarely an issue, and even dropping or sitting on them is unlikely to cause dramatic loss of data.

Physical note-taking may promote greater memorisation and creativity

Some people have suggested that the physical, mechanical action of writing by hand, has a more profound effect on shaping brain chemistry than typing or otherwise taking notes digitally.

There may be something to this idea, as well. Writing by hand is a more time-consuming process, and relies on more distinct and novel movements of the hand in order to capture the words. Among other things, this likely necessitates a greater degree of attention that digital note-taking, which may, in turn, make a deeper impression on the memory.

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