Being future-ready means being aware of not just the most common security risks affecting individuals and organizations today, but those that might affect us tomorrow, as well. One threat that is becoming increasingly likely to rise is that of car-hacking. Here, we’re going to look at what it is, as well as how to prevent it.

What is car hacking?

You might be thinking of automated cars suddenly being taken over and re-routed while you’re in them. While that is a credible threat for the future, right now we’re mostly talking about hackers that can infiltrate the various digital systems in the car, including the infotainment system, apps, GPS, and much more. Car hacking might be easier than other forms of hacking because it’s not as widely considered a security threat at the moment and some cars are more hackable than others. Regardless, there are measures we should all take to protect our cars and the data that could be accessed through them.

Choosing cars with the right security features

Now, security features in cars don’t just mean how secure you are on the road. It might also mean how secure are the software systems in the car? You can use tools like the Range Rover Configurator to choose the car that best suits your needs, including the cars with the most up-to-date infotainment systems. When you’ve chosen your car, it’s also important to make sure that you keep the software updated on it. It’s easy to hit the button that delays a software update so you can use the device hassle-free, but it is prolonging the insecurity of your car.

Mind what you connect to your car

There more isolated a digital system, the easier it is to secure. Updating your infotainment systems and apps in the car might be enough to secure it, but what about the third-party devices that you plug into it? Investigate the security of any devices you connect to your car, making sure that they’re equipped with whatever safety functions they need, such as anti-virus software and even a VPN if those devices are going to be connected to public networks in the vicinity.

Be mindful of key fobs

Another way to hack a car is simply to tap into the relationship between wireless keys and the lock, using them to remotely unlock a car, which can then allow someone to simply steal it. One way to prevent this is to stop using your keys remotely, using your central lock button or physical keys instead. You can also put your keys in a metal case, even your fridge, which can stop thieves that are able to sense the wireless signals from fobs in order to open your car. These are a convenient feature, no doubt, but you should be mindful of the risks they come with.

Car hacking already happens, and it’s likely to become even more popular as we connect our cars to Clouds that contain valuable data and allow them to get integrated into more of our life. Be mindful of your car’s cybersecurity.