By visiting this website, you are already aware of the dangers of cybercrime. Businesses both large and small are vulnerable to malware, phishing scams, and other hacking threats. To secure your website and your business, you must do all you can to protect your business against cybercrime, to secure both your finances and your business reputation.

To stay safe, you need to be vigilant. However, there may be mistakes that you are making that are increasing the chances of your system being hacked. Take a look at the following, and if any are relevant to you, take steps to commit to better practice.

Mistake #1: Not testing your website

There are all kinds of benefits to user testing, and one is to ensure there are no obvious flaws and weaknesses in your website. You can test your website yourself with free online tools, or you might want to outsource to a website testing team. Both are useful ways to check your system, so if you have neglected to do so thus far, commit to some form of testing today. You will then be able to make changes where needed to protect your website from attack.

Mistake #2: Keeping a password book

If like many of us, you struggle to remember all of the passwords you need for your computer, you might be tempted to keep a book with everything written down. It makes sense, right? Especially after being told that you shouldn’t reuse the same password or have easily guessable codes such as your birthday, a password book (or post it note) seems like the obvious answer. Well…the answer is no! Unless you hide your password book away securely, anybody could find it and use your passwords to get into your system and personal details on regularly used websites. You see, hackers are not always nefarious miscreants hidden behind their own computer screen. The hacker could be a colleague or a customer, so care needs to be taken. For good practice, follow these password tips for better methods of storing and remembering your passwords securely.

Mistake #3: Falling prey to a phishing scam

Despite spam filters on our email accounts, there are still those emails that come through with attachments and dodgy looking links. You know the kind we mean; those emails that tell you to ‘click here’ because you have won a competition or those emails that encourage you to download a file that is associated with your bank account. In some cases, you will be able to separate authentic emails from the those that are suspect, but as hackers get cleverer, you may be more susceptible than ever when something pops into your inbox that seems legitimate. A good rule of thumb, of course, is to never open a link or download a file from an email address that is unknown to you, because you may inadvertently unleash viruses into your system. You should also follow the guidelines here, to further protect you from any hacker trying to infiltrate your system with a phishing scam.


In closing, we advise you to bookmark our website. With articles on the latest threats and security tips, we have information on this site to help you protect your business. It’s in your best interest to stay safe, as the consequences for your business could be catastrophic.

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