Cyber Insights For 11th January 2017 From The National Cyber Skills Centre

How are you with deadlines? Do you meet them head on each and every time, or do issues get in your way, from poor project management, lack of skills or that old bug bear procrastination? Every industry has seen major projects slip, cost overruns, products coming to market months, even years after they were originally promised. It seems that deadlines, even those that were set with the best intention, are flexible.

But what if they were not? What if the deadline for your next major IT project had an immovable date, set in stone, that no individual, company, government or deity could move? Could the collective skills, experience and determination of the IT industry hit it? Yes, it could and it has done in the past. When? Just over 17 years ago.

This article was written by Stuart Wilkes on behalf of the National Cyber Skills Centre. To read the whole article, please click this link.